Adding 3rd Party Services

In this section

  • Which 3rd party services are available
  • Enabling 3rd Party Services with HTL BID

Which 3rd Party Services are available

HTL BID integrates dozens of 3rd party services. Most services belong to one of the following categories

  • Header Bidding
  • Analytics
  • Identity
  • Monitoring & Blocking
  • Other monetization

Enabling 3rd Party Services

Configuring most 3rd Party Services is simple

  • On the “Setup Options” screen
  • Click the checkbox to enable your chosen vendor
  • Next, click on the vendor in the sidebar
  • Input additional vendor-specific configuration options

Click the checkbox for the chosen vendor


Set vendor-specific configuration options


Additional Configuration

In rare cases, certain modules do require additional code-level integrations. These modules are noted in the user interface and on the vendor list. See the Appendix for more information about integrating specific vendors.

In most cases, you will need a relationship with the vendor that you want to enable. HTL works closely with vendors and can help you establish relationships if needed.

Don’t See A Third-Party Service You Are Looking For?

Contact your Technical Account Manager.