Advanced Prebid Settings

To override Prebid settings

  • Enable the “Prebid” module under “Tech Config” > “Setup Options
  • Navigate to “Header Bidding” > “Prebid Configuration

The following settings can be adjusted:

Prebid Version

You can override the default version of Prebid to specify an exact version number. HTL BID currently supports Prebid 6.x and Prebid 7.x.

Prebid Timeout

You can set the Prebid Timeout value from 300 to 3000 milliseconds.

Override “pbjs” global

By default, the Prebid instance used by HTL BID is stored in the window global window.pbjs. Update this setting to use a different global variable name.

Price Granularity

Choose a different built-in granularity, or set a Custom Price Granularity

Use Bid Cache

Enable or disable bid caching. For details, see Does Prebid.js cache bids?

Fix Bidder Sequence

By Prebid randomizes the order in which bidders are called. Enable this option to manually set the order.

Page Url

Normally Prebid automatically detects the URL of the page where it is running. However, this does not work in certain iframe situations. Enable this toggle to explicitly set the URL, rather than detecting it automatically.

Advertiser Block List

Block specific advertisers by domain name. (see more about blocking)

Send All Bids

Whether to send all bids to GAM, or only send the winning bids.

Storage Allowed

Whether to allow access to Local Storage

Prebid User Sync

Whether to allow user syncs. By default, HTL BID uses the default Prebid settings (maximum of 5 image-only user syncs). Set to “Custom” to override the default settings.

Prebid Currency

By default, HTL BID assumes that bids are in USD. Enable this module if your account primary has bids placed in a different currency.
