Configuring ad slots

In this section

Learn to configure your ad slots.

  • Adding a new slot
  • Optional slot properties
For each ad slot on your website, create a corresponding ad slot in the HTL BID UI. You can re-use the same slot multiple times on a single webpage. If you have three 728x90 slots, you can choose to configure 3 separate ad slots in the UI, or your can choose to have 1 slot, and repeat it multiple times on the page.

Configure ad slots by navigating to the latest revision, and then choosing “Ad Configuration > Slot Setup” in the sidebar.

Adding a new slot

To add a new slot, click the “+” button at the bottom of the list of slots.


Each ad slot has 3 required properties

  • Slot Name
  • Ad Unit
  • Ad Sizes / Size Mapping

Slot Name is a unique identifier for this slot. The slot name determines the CSS Selector used to insert this ad onto the page.

Ad Unit is the GAM Ad Unit Path. Publishers with a complex GAM hierarchy can dynamically override this property with javascript.

Sizes / Size Mapping determines which ad sizes can appear in this slot. Choose “All Viewports” to allow the specified ad sizes to appear on every screen. Press the “+ device” button to add multiple viewports to configure different ad sizes to appear, depending on the screen size.

After creating the slot in the UI, it does not go live immediately. You must also add the new slot to your webpage.

Optional Slot Properties

Ad slots have many optional properties, including: Cumulative Layout Shift, Header Bidding, Slot-level key-value targeting, lazy-loading, ad refresh, sticky ads, and interstitial/out-of-page.

Cumulative Layout Shift

Multi-size ad slots cause cumulative layout shift because the actual ad size is not known until late in the page rendering process. In order to mitigate CLS, you can choose to reserve space for the largest possible ad that will render in each slot. HTLBID automatically generates a CSS file containing the necessary rules to include in your webpage.


In the screenshot above, the desktop leaderboard is configured to be multi-size, allowing both 728x90 and 970x250 ads. The generated CSS will contain code to reserve 250px of vertical space, so that the 970x250 will not cause layout shift. When the 728x90 size renders, it will be vertically aligned within the reserved space.

Header Bidding

Header bidding IDs can be attached to each ad slot, and different IDs can be attached depending on viewport size. IDs must first be configured on the Header Bidding IDs screen, in order to be available in the dropdown.


Slot-level key-value targeting

You can add slot-level key value targeting for GAM and Amazon. Typically this is used to pass a “pos” value such as “pos=top” into the ad request. Slot-level key-values can also be set dynamically using javascript.


Other Slot Attributes

Expand the “slot attributes” toggle to see other optional attributes.



To enable lazy loading, de-select the “Eager” checkbox and specify the lazy-loading offset. As the user scrolls on your website, the ad will begin loading when the slot reaches the specified number of pixels away from the viewport.


Ad refresh

To enable ad refresh, click the “refresh” checkbox and set the interval, max refresh, and whether to lock the size. The HTL BID refresh is a viewable refresh, meaning that only in-view ads will be refreshed.


Sticky Ads

To enable sticky ads, click the “sticky” checkbox and optionally enable an “x” button and whether to apple frequency capping. Enabling this checkbox will cause the target slot to be a sticky ad, centered at the bottom of the screen.



To flag an ad unit as out-of-page, click the “OOP” checkbox. OOP are special “size-less” ad slots, typically used to deliver site skins and interstitials.


To enable the GAM Interstitial, check the “Interstitial” checkbox. This enables the “GAM Web Interstitial” a special type of ad unit from Google. Standard interstitials should use the “Out-of-page” type instead.