Set up AMP for Amazon header bidding

In this guide

  • Getting an Amazon Publisher Services account
  • Configuring AMP tags
  • Setting up Line Items
  • Setting up Ads.txt

Getting an Amazon Publisher Services account

In order to use APS for AMP, you need an APS account

If you already have an APS account, you’re all set

If you want to use HTL’s APS account, contact your HTL account manager

If you want your own APS account, contact Amazon

Configuring AMP tags

You should have existing <amp-ad> tags for GAM, similar to the following, already setup on your AMP webpages. If you don’t already have existing tags, first you must Setup AMP for GAM, before configuring Amazon.


Add the rtc-config attribute, replacing “****” with your Publisher ID


If you are using multiple real-time bidding technologies such as Prebid Server, Amazon AMP and Prebid Floors on the same AMP page, take care to carefully merge the configuration parameters. Simple overwriting the rtc-config attribute may cause those other technologies to be accidentally disabled.

Setting up Line Items

Amazon AMP header bidding requires line items to be configured in GAM.

NOTE, the line items for Web and AMP are different. Even if you already have line items active for Web, you will need to create additional line items for AMP.

Setting up ads.txt

Amazon AMP header bidding requires updating your ads.txt file.

You can find the required lines in your Amazon account. HTL BID can help manage your ads.txt file

NOTE, you may be able to skip this step. If you have already updated your ads.txt file in order to setup header bidding for Web, no further changes are needed. The ads.txt updates are the same for both Web and AMP.