Set up Prebid Server for Web

HTL hosts an instance of Prebid Server, which is available to customers for an additional fee. Contact your HTL technical account manager for details. If you have Prebid Server through another vendor, configure that endpoint here.

Enable both Prebid and Prebid Server in the UI

The Prebid client library must be enabled to use Prebid Server.


Add Header Bidding IDs

Add IDs for the bidders that you want to use with Prebid Server. Input these IDs on the same screen that is used to add IDs for Prebid Client.


Update Prebid Server Settings


On this screen, configure the Prebid Server endpoints

  • If you are using HTL’s instance of Prebid Server, input the following values
  • If you are using a different vendor’s instance of Prebid Server, request that they provide the following endpoints
    • Auction Endpoint
    • Sync Endpoint

Finally choose which bidders to run through Prebid Server

Bidders chosen on this screen will run server-side. All other bidders will continue to run client-side.

Each bidder can be configured to run either client-side or server-side, but it is not possible to choose “both”.

Prebid Server requires use of the Prebid Universal Creative in your GAM Line Items. Contact your HTL account manager to ensure that your GAM is configured properly before enabling Prebid Server.