Set GPT Companion Ads

Companion Ads are banner ads that appear alongside and synced with a video ad (typically preroll). HTL BID provides the option to set up banner ads as video companion ads. See GAM documentation on companion ads here.

Enable Companion Ads

  • Navigate to Ad Config > Slot Setup
  • Go to the slot that will be used as a companion ad
  • Expand the slot attributes section
  • Click on “Companion Ad”

Companion Ad Options

There are two behaviors available when configuring Companion Ads in HTL BID:

  1. Companion only → Will limit the slot to render an ad only when the video starts. The slot is restricted to being used only as a Companion Ad for video.
  2. Allow non-companion → The slot will render other non-companion ads while the video doesn’t play. Once the video starts, the slot will reload and render the video Companion Ad.
Lazy/Eager-loading and refresh behaviors remain working with the same configuration they had. Header Bidding will also continue working if non-companion banner ads render.