Setup Native Ads for AdX in GAM

Setting up Native Ads for AdX in GAM requires 2 steps:

  • Create native style templates for each ad size
  • Update the AdX line item
Native ads and Fluid/Responsive ads are frequently confused. Review the Google Service Account for a description of native ads. Native ads can be fluid, but they don’t have to be - native ads can also serve into standard creative sizes.

Native ads always contain the same basic elements and by default they look like this. Native ads can be customized to match the look and feel of a publisher’s website by adjusting fonts, colors, sizes and the position of elements in the ad template.


Create native style templates

You will need to repeat the following steps to create a separate native style template for each ad size where you want to allow native ads. You can also create multiple native style templates per size, if you want to experiment with different layout options to see how that affects CTR.

Create a Native Style Template

  • In the GAM sidebar, under Delivery
  • Navigate to the “Native” tab
  • Click the “New Native Style” button

Then choose the “Guided Design Editor”


Fill in the name

  • Typically the name can just be the ad size, such as “Native 300x250”

Fill in the ad size

  • Create at least one template for each of the common sizes, including:
    • 320x50, 300x250, 300x600, 728x90, 970x250, 160x600 and fluid
    • You may also want to add templates for less common sizes
    • Each additional size requires repeating these steps to create a new template

Scroll down and ensure that “Native Format” is set to “Native Content Ad”

  • Then choose one of the suggested templates
  • Then click “Continue”

On the next page, you can override the template settings

The most common override is to change the font color to match the website’s branding. Fonts, text sizes, alignment and more can also be adjusted here.


Update AdX line items

Finally, update the existing AdX line items to use the new native styles.

Do not create a new AdX line item for Native! This may have unexpected effects on delivery. Instead, update the existing AdX line item to include the “Native Programmatic” size.

Locate the existing AdX line item(s) and update to include the “Native Programmatic” size.
