Slots can be added, removed or edited for any site in the HTL BID UI:
Delete a Slot
Navigate to “Ad Configuration” > “Slot Setup”. Find the slot to delete and double click on the X at the far right of the slot
Add a Slot
Navigate to “Ad Configuration” > “Slot Setup”, scroll to the bottom of the slots and click on the + button in the middle
This will add a new blank slot to configure, starting with the devices the slot will render on
Navigate to the “Devices & Viewports” screen, add the devices used and corresponding viewports/breakpoints for each
To configure the slot see add/remove sizes, set up ad refresh or set up eager and lazy-loading
Edit a Slot
Navigate to “Ad Configuration” > “Slot Setup”, expand any existing slot with the arrow on the right of the slot and edit any of the settings configured (eg. sizes, CLS, Prebid Groups, slot attributes)