In this section
Learn to configure your ad slots.
- Getting Amazon approval
- TAM vs UAM
- Enabling Amazon in HTL BID
- Creating Amazon line items in GAM
Getting Amazon approval
Before enabling Amazon header bidding, you need an Amazon Publisher Services account.
There are 3 ways to get an Amazon account
- if you have your own account, you’re all set
- if you want to use HTL’s Amazon account, speak with your account manager
- if you want to create a new Amazon account, contact Amazon Publisher Services
APS works in 2 different ways
- TAM - Amazon will use your existing SSPs accounts
- UAM - Amazon will use its own Amazon accounts
Setup Amazon in HTLBID
There are 3 steps to setup Amazon header bidding
- Enable Amazon
- Input your Publisher ID
- Configure S-chain (required in some cases)
Enable Amazon
Under “Setup Options”, enable both “Amazon” and “Amazon Supply Chain”
Configure Amazon
Under “Header Bidding > Amazon Configuration”, set your Publisher ID
Your Publisher ID is typically a long UUID such as b1a764bc-ded4-4b40-a987-ecbf82125f25. Some publishers have a shorter ID.
On this screen, you can optionally enable the following:
- Price Floors
- Deals
- Amazon V2 API (only enable if you are in the private beta)
Configure S-chain
Navigate to Account Information > Demand Accounts
Choose the appropriate S-chain for Amazon from the dropdown menu
- If the menu is empty, you first need to create an s-chain
How do you know which s-chain to use?
If you have your own Amazon account
- skip this section, no s-chain is required
If you are using HTL’s Amazon account
- use the “HTL” s-chain
If you are using another vendor’s Amazon account
- add the s-chain for that vendor
Create Amazon line items in GAM
Amazon header bidding requires line items to be configured in GAM.
- See the Amazon documentation for steps to create these line items.
Update Ads.txt for Amazon
Amazon header bidding requires updating your ads.txt file. You can find the required lines in your Amazon account. HTL BID can help manage your ads.txt file
- See the Amazon documentation for which lines need to be added to your ads.txt.